Daya is a sustainable and measured empowerment program for BTPN Syariah’s customers. Daya is the realization of BTPN Syariah’s commitment to sustainably build customers’ capacity by providing opportunities to grow and live meaningful lives. Daya Program offers easy access to knowledge and markets through assistance and training regarding financial management, business development, and strengthening community capacity.

Daya Programs

1. Individual Assistance Program

Individual assistance program has more structured, specific, and intensive mechanism. This program is divided into two programs; Inspirational Customer Assistance and Bestee Assistance.

a. Inspirational customer assistance is carried out by #bankirpemberdaya for inspirational customers. The activities carried out are in line with the bundled financial solution of BTPN Syariah, in the form of entrepreneurial assistance aimed at improving customers’ business.

    1. b.  Bestee program is an assistance program that is integrated into a platform where assistance activities are carried out by students with materials that are suited to each customer’s needs. This program partners with third parties, such as non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and other institutions that share common visions and missions.

Bestee Platform

This is an integrated platform for digital empowerment and learning programs conducted by BTPN Syariah, which aims to provide access to knowledge for inclusive customers by giving suitable modules to increase their entrepreneurship skill and capacity. Several entrepreneurship materials provided within Bestee platform have been customized to different types of businesses so that the materials may be beneficial to each customer’s needs.


This program involves several participants and stakeholders, including universities through their students who act as Facilitators (customer trainers) and lecturers/ practitioners, who are experienced in MSME empowerment, as Mentors. Those Mentors will provide assistance to facilitators to become effective and useful trainers for the customers

Bestee Internship

BTPN Syariah partners with Kampus Merdeka in providing opportunities for students for internships with various choices of positions, such as Customer Assisting Facilitator, Community Empowerment Officer, Project and Social Media Officer, Content Creator Coordinator, Project and Social Media Officer, Daya Area Specialist, Content Creator, Platform Admin, Community Activation, Pasar Daya Activator, and Design and Communication.


Further information can be accessed at

2. Group Assistance Program

Group assistance program is bi-weekly face-to-face meeting in a center where the customer community members reside, contain training and empowerment activities in health, environment, and entrepreneurship, such as improving body immunity, food security, herbal medicine, new business opportunities, and much more which are conducted by #bankirpemberdaya. These program are meant to give suitable material to the need and increase the skill and capacity of inclusive customers.


This program is also offered intensively to customers whose businesses grow consistently and empower both themselves and the locals. Activities of empowerment include entrepreneurship training in the form of webinars given by experienced partners with materials suited to each customer’s needs.

Head Office

Menara SMBC Lt.12 - CBD Mega Kuningan

Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav 5.5 - 5.6

Jakarta Selatan 12950

BTPN Syariah berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), dan Bank Indonesia dan merupakan peserta penjaminan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)