Background on the Establishment of PT BTPN Syariah Ventura

Aiming at adapting to the continuously changing needs of customers, and ensuring the increase in the welfare of underprivileged financing customers,

as well as having the opportunity to serve more customers in a sustainable manner, BTPN Syariah considers these matters as the opportunity and at the same time as the call to make various breakthroughs by utilizing technology for kindness in order to build the aspirations of Sharia Digital Ecosystem for Mass Market.

Whereas to materialize these aspirations, it cannot be done alone, must be considered various factors, among others, the speed in creating digital applications, human resources, expensive investments, efficiency and so forth.


To accelerate the materialization of these aspirations more quickly, then, will be required cooperation and collaboration with strategic partners possessing the same vision and mastering the appropriate digital competence from various backgrounds,

such as financial service institutions, digital start-ups or other platforms.


BTPN Syariah in synergy with PT Bank BTPN Tbk materialized the initial step of these aspirations through the execution of establishment of Subsidiary Entities by means of the Deed of Establishment of PT BTPN Syariah Ventura

Number 36 dated October 21, 2021, which has obtained the legalization for the establishment of legal entity of limited liability company based on

the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number AHU-0066702.AH.01.01.Tahun 2021 regarding the Legalization on the Establishment of Legal Entity of Limited Liability Company PT BTPN Syariah Ventura and

in accordance with the Information Disclosure based on the letter Number S.417/DIR/CSGC/X/2021 dated October 22, 2021.


Operational Permits of PT BTPN Syariah Ventura

PT BTPN Syariah Ventura has obtained operational permits from the Financial Services Authority by means of letter Number KEP-23/D.05/2022 dated May 20, 2022,

regarding the Granting of Business Permit of Sharia Venture Capital Company to PT BTPN Syariah Ventura and effectively carried out its operational activities on May 30, 2022.


Information in relation to the Subsidiary Entities

Further information in relation to the Subsidiary Entities can be viewed through the website at the following address

Annual Report 2023

Annual Report 2022

Financial Report LKFS 2023

Head Office

Menara SMBC Lt.12 - CBD Mega Kuningan

Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav 5.5 - 5.6

Jakarta Selatan 12950

BTPN Syariah berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), dan Bank Indonesia dan merupakan peserta penjaminan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)