Ongki Wanadjati Dana

Member of the Board of Commissioners
Indonesian Citizen, 67 years old, domiciled in Jakarta. Ongki Wanadjati Dana obtained approval from the Financial Services Authority based on the Decision of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority Number KEP-129/D-03/2022 dated 25 August 2022 and became effective as Commissioner on 13 October 2022 He was reappointed as a member of the Board of Commissioners of PT Bank BTPN Syariah Tbk (BTPN Syariah) in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated 12 April 2023 with a term of office until the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be convened in 2026. He currently serves as member of the Risk Monitoring Committee and a Member of the Audit Committee and Nomination and Remuneration Committee in BTPN Syariah. Having more than 41 years of career experience in national banking, Ongki Wanadjati Dana has held various top positions, including as President Director (2019-2022) and Vice President Director (2008-2019) of PT Bank SMBC Indonesia Tbk (formerly PT BANK BTPN Tbk) (SMBCI). His previous positions also include as Director Wholesale Banking (2002-2008) of PT Bank Permata Tbk; Vice President Director (2000-2002) and Senior Risk Management Advisor (1999-2000) of Bank Universal; Bank Subentra Settlement Team (1998-1999) of Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (BPPN); President Director (1993-1998) and Credit Director (1990-1993) of PT Bank Subetra; Vice President - Credit Cycle Manager on Consumer Banking (1987-1990) of Citibank, NA, as he initially started his career as Executive Development Trainee Program (1982-1983). He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1981 from Bandung Institute of Technology. He has attended various internal training programs from Citibank, Bank Permata, and SMBCI, national training such as Bank of Indonesia, Risk Management Certification Agency (BSMR), Gallup, LPPI, ICDIF, Banker Association of Risk Management (BARA), Franklin Covey, Covey Leadership Center. As well as various international training – Executive Education Programs at the Center for Creative Leadership, Singapore, Harvard Business School, Boston USA and Oxford University, London. In addition to his position at BTPN Syariah, Ongki Wanadjati Dana also serves as a member of the Board of Commissioners at SMBCI. Ongki Wanadjati Dana has a management relationship with the Controlling Shareholder, namely SMBCI.
Head Office

Menara SMBC Lt.12 - CBD Mega Kuningan

Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav 5.5 - 5.6

Jakarta Selatan 12950

BTPN Syariah berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), dan Bank Indonesia dan merupakan peserta penjaminan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)