Mulya Effendi Siregar

Member of the Board of Commissioners/Independent
Indonesian citizen, 66 years old, domiciled in South Jakarta. Mulya E. Siregar obtained approval from the Financial Services Authority based on the Decision of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority Number KEPR-19/D.03/2023 dated 17 April 2023 and became effective as Independent Commissioner on 17 April 2023. He was appointed as a member of the Board of Commissioners and Independent Commissioner of PT Bank BTPN Syariah Tbk (BTPN Syariah) in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated 12 April 2023 with a term of office until the closing of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be convened in 2026. He currently serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee and a member of the Risk Monitoring Committee at BTPN Syariah. Mulya E. Siregar has more than 40 years experiences in banking regulatory agencies and has a comprehensive experience in sharia banking development and he has held various key positions include PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk served as President Commissioner (February-August 2021), PT Bank Syariah Mandiri served as President Commissioner (2017-2021), Financial Services Authority served as Deputy Commissioner of Banking Supervision 1 (2014-2017), and Central Bank served as Assistant Governor (May-December 2013), Executive Director of DPNP (2012-2013), Head of Sharia Banking Directorate (2010-2012) and Head of Sharia Banking Development and Regulatory Research Bureau (2006-2010). He started his career at Central Bank through Pendidikan Calon Pegawai Muda Angkatan IX Bank Indonesia (1983-1984) and held various positions as Staff and Economy Attaché before undergoing the Master program (1987-1989) and the Doctoral Program (1992-1998) initiated by the Central Bank. He obtained his Bachelor degree from Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Institute of Agriculture (1980), Master of Science from the Ohio State University (1989) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the Ohio State University (1998). He participated in various training programs, both national and international, which include those organized by LSPP, BMSR, International Center for Development in Islamic Finance, Bahrain Institute of Banking & Finance (BIBF), Takzia Institute, Clare College, Cambridge, World Bank Group Sustainable Forum, Georgia Tech University, and Harvard Islamic Finance Information Program. In addition to his position at BTPN Syariah, he serves as Professional Expert for the Board of Directors at the Indonesian Banking Development Institute – LPPI (since August 2022) and Independent Commissioner at PT Delameta Bilano (since November 2022). In terms of organizations, he currently serves as Member of Supervisory Body in the Indonesian Sharia Bank Association (ASBISINDO) with term of office from 2024 until 2027. Mulya E. Siregar has no affiliation with the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, Sharia Supervisory Board and Controlling Shareholders.
Head Office

Menara SMBC Lt.12 - CBD Mega Kuningan

Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav 5.5 - 5.6

Jakarta Selatan 12950

BTPN Syariah berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), dan Bank Indonesia dan merupakan peserta penjaminan Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS)